Suatu saat, harapan-harapan yang setiap waktu dan sampai saat ini muncul dalam pikiran dan qalbuku akan terealisasi. Satu demi satu harapan itu telah terwujud dan membuat kepuasan tersendiri akan eksistensi diriku diadakan di Dunia. Satu per satau harapan yang sudah jadi realistis mendorong kepercayaan diriku bahwa "harapan-harapan lain yang jauh dari ilusi" bisa terealisasi. Semuanya ditentukan oleh ikhtiar dan saya yakin faktor keberuntungan minim sekali menentukan harapan-harapan yang diharuskan oleh diri kita terealisasi.

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Batu Bolong, Makassar/Sulsel, Indonesia
Someone on the photo is independent writer in this blog namely Muhammad Jusrianto from Latimojong, Enrekang, South Celebes, Indonesia. Latimojong is one of the deepest areas which has the highest mountain in Celebes island, named as Latimojong Mountain. Although spending time and growing in underdeveloped area, he has a great spirit to attend higher education. He spent four years, from 2010 to 2014, to finish his study International Relations Department of University of Muhammadiyah Malang in Malang, East Java. After completing an undergraduate degree, he decided to closely keep in touch with English for preparing himself to attend master degree abroad, whereas running the responsibilities in The Institution of Tourism and Environmentalist at HMI. Now he is a IELTS tutor in Insancita Bangsa Foundation and a director of Information and Communication in LEPPAMI HMI.

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